1. 创建数据库DBLP:
show databases;
create database dblp;
use dblp;
mysql -u root -p dblp < /Users/ting/workspace/datasets/dblp.sql
CODE: DBLP-parser
authors: pid, author
papers: pid, title, year, conference, abstract
cites: pid,cid
show tables;
select count(*) from papers;
select * from authors limit 10;
select * from cites limit 10;
select * from papers limit 10;
select pid, title, year from papers limit 10;
select * from authors limit 100000,10;
desc papers;
desc authors;
desc cites;
show index from authors;
create index pid_index on authors(pid);
create index pid_index on cites(pid);
create index cid_index on cites(cid);
create index pid_index on papers(pid);
select pid, group_concat(author) from authors group by pid limit 100;
select left(pid, 5) from cites limit 10;
select substr(pid, 1,5) from cites limit 10;
select substr(pid, 6) from cites limit 10;
update cites set pid = substr(pid, 6);
update authors set pid = substr(pid, 6);
update papers set pid = substr(pid, 6);
alter table authors modify pid int(32);
alter table papers modify pid int(32);
alter table cites modify pid int(32);
alter table cites modify cid int(32);
debug: delete from papers where title = "null";
删除title为空得论文 3个
2. 创建coauthorship表:
create table coauthorship select ta.pid, ta.author as author1, tb.author as author2 from authors as ta, authors as tb where ta.pid = tb.pid and ta.author < tb.author;
create index pid_index on coauthorship(pid);
select pid, count(*) as count from coauthorship group by pid limit 100;
create index author1_index on coauthorship(author1);
create index author2_index on coauthorship(author2);
select max(length(author1)) from coauthorship;
select author1, length(author1) from coauthorship order by length(author1) desc limit 100;
select distinct author1, length(author1) from coauthorship order by length(author1) desc limit 100;
select max(length(author)) from authors;
alter table authors modify author varchar(100);
alter table coauthorship modify author1 varchar(100);
3. 创建coauthorweight表,两个作者共同合作多少篇文章:
create table coauthorweight select author1, author2, count(*) as weight from coauthorship group by author1, author2;
select * from coauthorweight order by weight desc limit 40;
select * from coauthorweight where author1 = "Guoliang Li" order by weight desc;
select * from coauthorweight where author1 = "Guoliang Li" or author2 = "Guoliang LI" order by weight desc;
select * from authors, papers where author = "Guoliang Li" and authors.pid = papers.pid;
select authors.author, papers.title, papers.year, papers.conference from authors, papers where author = "Guoliang Li" and authors.pid = papers.pid;
4. 创建author_count表,每个作者发表的文章数:
create table author_count select author, count(*) as number from authors group by authors;
create index author_index on authors(author);
create table author_count select author, count(*) as number from authors group by author;
select * from author_count where author = "Guoliang Li";
select * from author_count order by number desc limit 10;
select * from authors limit 10 into outfile "authors.txt”;
show variables like "%dir%";